Dua Noor (Sagheer)


Bissmillahin noor ,
Bissmillahin noorin noor,
Bissmillahin noor hala noor,
Bissmillahil lazie hoewa modabirol omoer,
Bissmillahil lazie galaghan noora minan noor,
Alhamdollillahil lazie galaghan noor minan noor,
Wa anzalan noor halat toer,
Fi kitabim mastoer,
Fi riggin manshoer,
Bighadarim maghdoer,
Hala nabi in mahboer,
Alhamdollillahillazie hoewa bil hizzi mazkoer,
Wa binfaghri mashoer,
Wa halas saraaahi,
Wa zaraaahi mashkoer,
Wassallallaho hala sayedinna Mohammadin wa alihat tayibienat tahirien.
(We seek fulfillment of our desires)
in the name of Allah, the light,
in the name of Allah, the light, the light,
in the name of Allah, the light over light,
in the name of Allah, who is He who manages all affairs,
In the. name of Allah who created light from light.
Praise be to Allah who created light from light, and sent down light on the mountain (Tur),
in between the inscribed book, in the parchment unrolled, by a
measure, well-determined, on the (Holy) Prophet, the giver of glad tidings.
Praise be to Allah; it is He who is remembered with the highest of the high attributes,
who is known to be the most glorious.
In joy and happiness, in sorrow and distress, He (alone) is thankfully praised.
Blessings of Allah be on our master, Muhammad, and on his pure children.